My name is Gemma Syme and I have recently departed from Wellington, New Zealand, for the dirty ol' town of London. Awww she's a beaut mate!!
So far it's been a cracker of a time, but I do miss things about my home land. Sometimes I get big nostalgic and dance around to Look Blue Go Purple, and thanks to things like facebook I can keep in touch with some of the awesome things that are going on down under down under. I thought I would start a blog about the awesome things about each place because, ya know, I can... and a lot of rad shiz is going down. ALL THE TIME!
So to jump right in, here's a picture of a dude playing the guitar in the Thames ahhahaha.
What are you up to you crazy sausage?!
Found out it was a dude called Flame Proof Moth. Oh man there are way better photos on their website.
Love it how there is so much competition in London that people really have to push themselves to new levels of awesome to get noticed.
Oh yeaaaaah.
OK over and out!
XXX Gemma
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